“Lord of the
Flies” is an extremely popular novel by William Golding. It tells
the story of a group of English schoolboys who are stuck on a
deserted island trying to survive. Their negligence for all rules of
civilization leads to some disastrous results. The boys become
enemies and resort to violence and mortality. The plot on the novel
is loosely based of the author's experiences during World War II
which had had a tremendous impact on him.
The main themes that are
manifested in the novel are: war, brutality, mortality, the value of
friendship and the opposition between savagery and civilization. The
story hints at the thought that without proper governing our world is
doomed. If our mankind is left on its own, the only possible scenario
is destruction. People need rules in order to function properly. If
there are no boundaries and everything is allowed, no country will be
able to survive as the nation will just do whatever it wants
neglecting all the moral laws and social conventions. As it can be
brightly observed in the novel, being isolated from the society
brings no good.
An essay on Lord of the Flies should deal with the revealing of these themes in
detail showing how each of them influences the boys and providing
appropriate examples. It is absolutely clear that before writing an
essay on the subject in question one is supposed the novel first.
What is more, there are more hidden messages in the book that have
been mentioned so far which, of course, need deciphering. William
Golding is a master of creating allusions so look out for those signs
too. However, the best option would be to order your paper and save
yourself some time.