Nicotine is a drug. Despite the fact that people smoke tobacco cigars, its smoking is quite often referred to as drug abuse. Smoking, in its turn, also indicates not only physical, but also psychological addiction. The problem with giving up smoking is that it is extremely hard on the psychological level. It is not our body that can't give up, it's our mind. For this reason, it takes months or even years for people to give up smoking.
If you are currently facing the task of writing a tobacco essay, get ready for a serious research. In order to come up with a proper paper you'll need to look through piles of books and search on dozens of websites. Reliable information is of great importance here. Apart from a theoretical background, you should also include plenty of evidence into your essay. It means that your paper should abound in statistic data, diagrams, tables and even a few quotations. Obviously, the topic is quite unusual which is why you'll face the problem with finding credible information.
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