Wednesday, June 20, 2012

College Essay

When writing a college essay first understand the essay that you are writing. There are many essays written in colleges and all are different from each other either in formatting or in their general writing. For example, there are persuasive essays, narrative essays and argumentative essays among many others. You cannot write an argumentative essay the same way you write a narrative essay. Taking time to go through different essay types is essential for all college students. This is because it will reduce the confusion level of differentiating one essay from another. 
Robert was assigned to write an argumentative essay but did not know anything about argumentative essay. He though all the essays are the same and ended up writing the essay like a narrative without considering that argumentative essay is all about debating. The class loved at him when the teacher said that some students are never serious and pointed Robert as an example of such students. The teacher went ahead and read the essay in front of all classmates that was so embarrassing for Robert. If he had known what is an argumentative essay he would have written a good essay but the assumption made him to have the worst day in his school life. 
Robert had to understand about this type of an essay in a painful way but it was an advantage to him because he was forced by circumstances to learn to write all other essays in college. Even the students who were laughing at him are no better than Robert in writing essays in the college is. If students would undergo the same experience as Robert then they will be forced to learn essay writing and they will have easy time writing all kinds of essays.