Thursday, June 21, 2012

College Essays Topics

All the types of college essay topics have a unique way of being handled ad one should never handle different types of topics as though they are the same. For instance, when one is given an essay topic that suggests that the student needs to analyze something, one should not write about that topic in the same way as one would if he were given a descriptive essay topic. The first step towards getting the right idea of how to handle a college essay is to understand the rules that guide college essay writing. 
Many students have the behavior of writing almost every type of essay they are assigned in the same manner, usually by writing about five paragraphs for every essay that is full of many generalizations without delving much into detail. Such essays are also usually technically correct in terms of sentence structure and spellings. While this seems acceptable for some essays, it could get one losing a lot of marks for most types of essays. Most instructors do not want one to generalize an issue, what they are really interested in seeing is just how good one knows some specific issue. 
When one is given an issue therefore, it will work in the best interest of the student if her were to focus on a single perspective of the topic, especially if the topic is very wide and the essay is very short. The individual could generalize everything in the introduction paragraph but state the specific issue to be explored in the thesis statement. On should however not select too narrow an issue to explore less he finds himself without supporting data.