The respiratory ashess primary travel is to transport oxygen from the environment and get it into your blood teem to be utilized by your cells, tissues, and organs in fellowship to sustain life. The respiratory transcription moves 12,000 quarts of air per day into and show up of our lungs. The respiratory system also removes waste gas or carbon dioxide from your body to the environment so it doesnt come along up in your blood stream.
List and state the elementary functions of the components of the respiratory system. Differentiate between respiration and ventilation. Explain how the respiratory system warms and humidifies inhaled air. State the purpose and function of the mucociliary escalator.
Discuss the surgical operation of gas exchange at the alveolar level. Describe the confused skeletal structures related to the respiratory system. Explain the actual execute and regulation of ventilation. Discuss several common respiratory system diseases.
adenoid (AD eh noid)
alveoli (al VEE oh lye)
atelectasis (AT eh LEK tah sis)
bronchi (BRONG kye)
bronchioles (BRONG kee ohlz)
carina (kuh RINE uh)
cilia (SIL ee ah)
conchae (KONG kay)
diaphragm (DIE ah fram
emphysema (em fih SEE mah)
empyema (em pye EE mah)
epiglottis (ep ih GLOT is)
erythropoiesis (eh RITH roh poy EE sis)
hilum (HIGH lim)
laryngitis (lar in JIGH tis)
laryngopharynx (lah RING goh FAIR inks)
voice box (LAIR inks)
lingula (LING gu lah)
mediastinum (MEE dee ass TYE num)
nasopharynx (NAY zoh FAIR inks)
parietal pleura (pah RYE eh tal PLOO rah)
pharyngitis (FAIR in JIGH tis)
pharynx (FAIR inks)
oropharynx (OR oh FAIR inks)
tuberculosis (too BER kew LOH sis)
trachea (TRAY kee ah)
study Components of
The Respiratory System
Two lungs that serve as the vital organs
Upper and lower airways that conduct, or move, gas through the system
Terminal air sacs called alveoli surrounded by a earnings of capillaries that allow gas exchange
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